Medicare QPP

Physicians Advocacy Institute

Frequently Asked Questions Updated for 2023


4. What are specialty measure sets?

  1. Reporting a specialty-specific measure set may be the least burdensome option if an applicable specialty-specific measure set exists. There are 47 specialty measure sets available for 2023 reporting:

    Specialty Chart

    If the measure set contains more than 6 measures, you are only required to report on 6 total measures (at least one of which must be an outcome or high-priority measure).

    If the measure set contains less than 6 measures, then you are only required to report on applicable measures. For example, a measure set may only have 4 measures, and only 3 of those 4 measures are applicable to your practice, then you are only required to report those 3 measures.

    Additional details on these specialty-specific measure sets are available on PAI’s QPP Resource Center, CMS QPP Resource Library, and the CMS QPP Quality page.

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